Snow, Snow and more Snow! Wow!
What an amazing winter we are experiencing in Michigan this year.
Many of us in our travels have enjoyed some truly beautiful sights of what Mother Nature has presented to us this year. The trees with are layered with a layer of fresh powder, fluffy meadows and snow drifts taller than most of us. Yet, sometimes in the same day we saw this tranquil beauty transform into an icy prism of danger and extensive damage.
These wonders that nature has offered to us hides a challenge behind their beauty. As all of this snow builds up, we are hearing daily incidents of collapsing roofs. We are also fielding calls on ice dams and water leaks into their homes causing damage and difficulty.
It is our recommendation to keep your roofs clean of large build ups of snow and ice to help prevent these unfortunate leak and damage situations. Some may be as simple as the purchase of a roof rake to use from the ground. Please, we are not suggesting you climb on to the roof. In most cases, removing excess snow from the ground can be a huge weight off from your roof system. If doing yourself, please be safe and keep in mind that large ice chunks may fall.
We understand that this may be a tough and daunting task for you to handle, we at Morris Builders, Inc. are offering these services to our clients this season.
If you are in need of these services please contact our office @ 616-874-6110.
Thank you and be Safe!